Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Introduction to Photography
In the modern society, people are used to using digital cameras and smart phones when taking photos. Due to these digital advancements, the traditional film photography is becoming consigned to oblivion. Since most people are not familiar with film cameras, I will provide some information about both cameras for you to regard when buying cameras or taking pictures.
To start with, there are basically two types of photography in this current society. There is digital photography which refers to pictures that are taken by any digital device such as DSLRs to even phone cameras. Here is a video underneath that describes how digital cameras work.

This is a picture of a DSLR camera taken by a Canon DSLR. It is easy to control the focus with digital cameras.

Most people are familiar with how digital cameras work because many people own one or at least have seen someone use digital cameras. However, there are a lot of people who do not have much information about film photography. Film photography is the origin of photography before digital photography was developed. Pictures taken by film cameras are developed through light and exposure. Instead of printing pictures from the computer like digital photos, you need to use a dark room to develop the film of film cameras.

Here are two videos to help you understand how film cameras work and how the films are developed.

This is a picture of developed film taken by a film camera. 

This is a picture taken by a film camera using the double exposure effect. This effect makes it seems as if two pictures are faded together.

Pros and Cons of Digital Photography
There are both many advantages and disadvantages of digital photography. To first explain the benefits of digital photography, digital cameras are very convenient. In terms of size, digital cameras nowadays are very small and portable. All phones even have digital cameras installed into the programs so people can take pictures practically whenever they want. Also, photographs can be immediately viewed and shared with others. Since digital photographs can be used as jpg files, it is easy to upload or send to friends and family. Another great benefit is that it is easy to change the picture after it is taken. For further explanation, digital photos can be easily modified into black and white or other effects. Film photos cannot be changed because they are developed just the way they are taken. Yet digital pictures can be modified very easily. Storage is also another advantage because digital cameras have memory cards that make it available to store hundreds even thousands of pictures in that small card. Once you save the pictures from the memory card to computers, the images can have a longer lifespan than printed pictures do.
           Despite these benefits, digital photography does have its flaws. The cost of the camera itself has a higher initial cost than film cameras do. Moreover the instrument itself is very complicated to new users since it has multiple buttons and diverse functions. Without a computer, it is difficult to process the digital photographs and share with others. Even though the storage capacity is great, images can be lost if the storage devices crash.

Pros and Cons of Film Photography
           Compared with digital cameras, film cameras also have benefits. The initial cost of the camera itself is lower than digital cameras because the functions are less complicated and much more concise. The permanence of the film allows the photographer to put much more effort and devotion when taking the picture. With digital cameras, it is easy to delete and take new pictures. However, film cameras have limited amount of pictures you can take, so it causes the photographer to think long and hard about the picture before taking the shot. The most distinctive part of film photography is that you are able to develop your own film in the dark room. Many photographers use film cameras just for the fun of making your own film.
           Although there are many positive assets of film photography, the imperfection is undeniable. Although the initial cost of the camera itself is cheaper than digital cameras, the ongoing cost of developing the film is very costly. This is due to the reason that film cameras only have a limited amount of pictures that can be taken on a roll of film. Moreover, it is difficult to create film photography because of the necessity of a dark room. Nowadays, there are only limited sources of dark rooms that are available. Not only is it difficult to develop the films, but it is very time consuming. It takes at least 4 to 8 hours just to dry the film that is made. Lastly, it is difficult to preserve film photographs because film pictures tend to degrade as time passes.

           Overall, I believe that both types of photography are important and must be equally used. Each type of photography has its benefits and flaws, which allows that photographer to choose the one that suits them the best. Film photography is disappearing nowadays due to the emergence of the digital society. These technical advancements cause people to look for new innovative devices rather than the traditional film cameras. Therefore, I believe it is important to both conserve film photography while utilizing digital photography.
Yet, if I were to make a recommendation, despite the beauty of film camera, I would recommend digital photography. I believe the convenience and immediacy of digital photography is undeniable. Whenever I feel the need to save a certain moment, I am able to take an immediate picture with my phone. Also I can send the pictures to my friends and family whenever I went under the circumstance that I have a cell-phone or computer.
Although I like the effects of film cameras, I think digital cameras allow the photographer to express more of the photo. I can modify digital photos and put diverse effects on them. By using programs such as VSCO cam or Adobe Photoshop I can transform the pictures I took into my own art.
Either type of photography can create great photos. After all, it is the artist, not the medium, which defines the quality of the picture.

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