Tuesday, March 10, 2015


Hello :)
My name is Yerim Kim and my english name is Aimee.
As you can tell from my name I am Korean but I studied in the states for a few years so I am capable of speaking English. Currently I am a freshman at Hanyang University in Seoul and my major is the Division of International Studies.
My hobby is traveling and taking pictures of the places I visited.

These are a few of the pictures I recently took when I went to Changgyeonggung Palace. This is the big greenhouse within the palace and it was really pretty.

I also enjoy watching movies! I like all kinds of movie genres except horror movies. A few weeks ago I watched a movie called Kingsman and it was really good. I'm not a big fan of action but I have to admit that this movie had some great action scenes.


Hope to see you soon ;)

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Yerim~ Nice to meet you!
    Your blog's design is very simple and cute.
    I never visited Changgyeonggung Palace.
    But after looking at your picture i want to go there :)
