Our team info graphic is about the movie Les Miserable because it was a common movie all three of us enjoyed.
We decided to use a long vertical design because the information will look more organized and the readers will be able to understand the graph easily. We chose a dark gray background and white letters in order to emphasize the writings of our info graph. Since this movie itself is very solemn theme, we thought darker tone background would be more appropriate than a bright one. Since the movie was about the happenings during the French Revolution, the dark grey colors represents the dull and dramatic mood of the movie. The other colors provided, such as green and gold also are symbolic for the money and awards that this movie received.
We also tried to put various types of information rather than just making a list. We added pictures and a video so that the viewer can visually see the data also. The pictures added are pictures of the cast of the movie Les Miserable and the writer of the novel. Not many people are aware of the fact that Les Miserable was derived from a book and later on a musical. That is the reason why there is a lot of singing in the movie.
The video is the international trailer for viewers who did not watch the movie. The international trailer itself shows how much this movie was globally watched and loved.
For more information, visit the references on the bottom of the info graph and you will be able to enjoy more fun facts about Les Miserable!